High Hopes

IMG_20150817_131312It is clear that the imbalance forced the vast majority to suffer and this hostage taking matters worse, the two sides you lose.
On one side the population feeds the hatred of others, on the other side continues to barricade themselves and oppress left to close or open the borders as it pleases.
When will the real responsibility of adults taken on both sides.
It is time to rekindle the flame of peace, constantly and relentlessly, involve clear, all parties in the region, do not forget the Arab League, and does not exclude Hamas and why not Iran.
If I understand it should get everyone around a table, and the quartet who has thus far not lived up negotiations. We must learn to live together is the key to success.
For my part, and ideally, it would be nice if the two nations meet in the old city of Jerusalem.
And do not miss the rules of psychology, is that people express their frustrations, I propose that there is at this table psychologists to explain the unspoken and where politicians have failed.
Another thing, it is imperative to address a fundamental question regarding the education of children of Gaza to get a true education worthy and respectful of their cousins in the final, not to take the tangent of their parents. It is important not to Israel which is a state in itself, must urgently find a solution and if necessary make intelligent concessions.
International opinion must be mobilized for this cause, the challenge, not to regret the mess one day in the whole region.
This brings me to borrow a phrase from a great big peace in the person of Martin Luther King: I dreamed one day that the children of Gaza will throw more stones but just play with their Israeli brothers, and that olive find no border, and serve to build bridges of brotherhood and sharing. I dreamed that this day will arrive and that peace reigns between the two peoples.
I dreamed that Palestinians and Israelis go hand in hand to make the pilgrimage to Auschwitz in memory and say out loud never again.
… that dream is reality.

Bertrand Deparis